Ashampoo App - Feedback Forum 👋
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Share your ideas and wishes with us and participate with your voice in existing entries.
Are there any other wishes open? With one click on "Create a Post" you are there.
Share your ideas and wishes with us and participate with your voice in existing entries.
Are there any other wishes open? With one click on "Create a Post" you are there.
Some partner products sabotage your intent here. For me, AnyTrans is the problem. My memory is that their license prevents reinstallation of it's software. I have just proven that it will not work from this program. That sort of program does not belong with your stated purpose here. Or at least give advance warning for such products.
bonjour pourriez vous me valider de nouveau toutes les licences achetées ou gratuites que j’ai acquises j’ai deux comptes client cordialement
så vad då
How do we upgrade the 03/02/2021 node upgrade. ?
Where are my programs in Connect. It says I have none. This is not the case.
Thank you very much for your feedback.
Is already taken into account in the plans. Connect should automatically update your programs and inform you when news or upgrades are available.
Many greetings
Christian - Team Connect
Agreed - great idea!
In the latest version Connect now informs you about available updates and also the latest successor. We have built up this information on the start page and on the respective product page. Please let us know what you think and where we can improve. :)