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I'm being asked for an activation key which I do not have3.
You really added so many apps, I can't believe it. You have pretty busy, lately. I have been with you guys for quite sometime and have many of your apps. I like them because they are simple to run. I was looking over the apps and I came across the firewall. The install was not active and I am wondering how I can download it. I do have Norton but I want to add a port and for reason, it just doesn't do the trick. Can you please send me the active link to install the firewall? Thank you very much.
currently it still bothers me a bit that after installing a program from Connect I have to unlock it again.
For example, after installation I want to just start my WinOptimizer and go and not enter my email or a key again. I want Connect do that for me.
Thank you for your feedback.
This proposal is one of our most important tasks in the Connect platform and we estimate that we will make great progress here in 2021 :)
Many greetings
Christian - Team Connect
changed category from "General" to "Activate product"
im being ask to activate to
Me, too! I get nothing!!
how do i activate?
I purchased three products on December 17, 2022, but never received a confirmation from Cleverbridge, although I did receive confirmation that my credit card had been charged for all three plus tax. I understand that my activation should be accomplished simply by logging into my Ashampoo account. When I do that there is no license activation code shown. The Cleverbridge to Ashampoo connection is broken - when I purchase from Ashampoo, the activation codes should be available immediately. The support pages for the sites are run by AU (Artificial Unintelligence) and I just get sent around in circles with no actual human looking into why Cleverbridge charged my credit card with the right email, but can't find the purchase in their system, and never sent me the confirmation email with the activation codes . It is NOT in my spam file. Somebody needs to get their acts in gear and figure out what when wrong. If not, I will definitely ask for a refund, dispute the charge on my credit card, and seriously, not do business with any company that uses Cleverbridge to handle their purchase fulfillment. Until this past week, a satisfied customer. Merry Christmas! (Cleverbridge - bah, humbug!)
I agree
I download product that says install, then it asks for activation code. Must I pay for things that show up under Connect as "install?"
so this is my take on yhis shitpoo. if offering software for free, make it free. all that it is capible of should be free. your saying free to have someone download it to find out only a very small part of the software is usable and your just hoping someone will just pay. that my friends is bad mojo. like you are tring to decieve people to phaten your pocket. dirty dirty. as for the other thing, i have about 12 diffrent software titles from this shitpoo company and if im going to be real i have not had an issue with any of them but 1. so im not able to complaine about thigs that work. do i like there softpooware,......not realy. the PDF one does some incredible things but its so slow it is just to time consuming to use but it does some powerfull things. everything else is to out of date because the way it works is the new poo 1 is out and offered. then the new poo 2 is offered. poo 3 is offered 3 months later with new features. 3 month later poo 4. but before poo 5 is anounced just know that they are working on poo 14 just dont say poo about it because if you have not noticed alll the poo software is updated so offten that poo 4 will be no more updates and just poo to use after a year. its all crap. all of it.
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